Design of the Articles

  1. Three copies of the article must be presented, written in Russian, Armenian or English, provided with the permit of the institution where the work has been conducted and the visa of the scientific adviser. It is also necessary to submit the text on a CD (Microsoft Word for Windows 2000 editor; font – Unicode Times New Roman for Russian and English and Sylfaen– for Armenian).
  2. The scientific articles should not exceed 10 typed pages including tables, figures, summaries and bibliography. The summerising article may have a volume up to 20 pages including the references.
  3. In the printer’s imprint the UDK index, initials and surnames of the authors, the name of the institution where the work has been conducted and key words must be given. In the end of the article the signatures, addresses and telephone numbers of the authors should be written.
  4. The article must include following parts; a) introduction, b) material and methods, c) results and discussion. The abstracts must be presented in English and Armenian, or Russian, if the paper is in Armenian. The abstracts are presented on separate pages.
  5. The references should be at the end of the paper on a separate page. The list of the literature must be given in alphabetical order, first the native and then the foreign sources. References to them (in numbers) in the text must be written in square brackets.
  6. The editorial staff has a right to shorten and correct the articles.
  7. The papers submitted to other journals for publication, or published before are not admitted by the editorial house.
  8. Each person or institution can become a subscriber of the journal.